Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Vocab #7


Cursory- Hastily and superficially done: not thorough

Impetus- An impelling force; impulse

Pinnacle- The highest point; summit

Contumely- Rudeness or contempt in behavior or speech

Bereavement- To be deprived of something

Cache- A place for concealment and safekeeping, as of valuables

Consummation- An ultimate end or goal

Calamity- A state of dire distress or emotion

Avarice- An extreme desire for wealth

Fortify- To strengthen and secure

Erratic- Having no fixed or regular course; wandering

Ubiquitous- Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time

Fortitude- Strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage

Nonchalant- Cool, carefree and casually unconcerned

Affect- To have influence on, bring about change to

Effect- Something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence

Misappropriate- To put to a wrong use

Pragmatic- Of or pertaining to a practical point of view or practical considerations

Metacognition- Higher order thinking that enables understanding, analysis, and control of one's cognitive processes especially when engaged in learning

Devoutly- Expressing devotion or piety


  • He had rushed on his homework and it looked cursory
  • It was impetus that I saved the little boy from getting hurt. 
  • We have reached the pinnacle of our journey.
  • The ignorant student talked to the teacher very contumely, then he got sent to the office.
  • Homeless people live lives filled with bereavement.
  • I put my valuables in a hidden cache.
  • Winning the rest of our football games is my consummation
  • The kidnapping of the young child caused a calamity among the town folk
  • Everybody is somewhat avarice because everyone wants to be rich.
  • Can you help me fortify my house to protect it from burglars? 
  • The professor gave a very erratic lecture. 
  • The student tried to do multiple things at once and he was faced with a ubiquitous challenge.
  • He was able to deal with his broken leg with fortitude.  
  • When he received his report card with multiple bad grades and he just brushed it off nonchalantly
  • His stupidity affected the whole class and he got them all in trouble. 
  • We have to write a Cause and Effect paper on our reading from the night. 
  • I used some of these words in a misappropriate context. 
  • My view of the story wasn't as good as the teachers pragmatic view. 
  • The doctor used his metacognition technique to get a more in depth analysis of his patient. 
  • Even though his favorite team was really bad he still followed them a cheered for them devoutly

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