Accomplice: a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrongdoing
Annihilate: to reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence
Arbitrary: subject to individual will or judgement without restrictions
Brazen: shameless or impudent
Catalyst: a person or thing that precipitates an event or change
Exodus: a going out, a departure
Facilitate: to make easier or less difficult
Incorrigible: bad beyond correction or reform
Latent: present but not visible
Militant: vigorously active and aggressive
Morose: gloomily or sullenly ill-humored
Opaque: not transparent or translucent
Paramount: above others in rank or authority
Prattle: talk in a foolish or simple-minded way
Rebut: to oppose by contrary proof
Reprimand: severe reproof or rebuke
Servitude: slavery or bondage of any kind
Slapdash: hasty, haphazard
Stagnant: not flowing or running
Succumb: to give way to superior force
- The accomplice was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
- The teenager annihilated his car.
- The decision to buy the dress was an arbitrary one.
- The rapper was brazen because he would say anything he wanted.
- Our last score was the catalyst that led to our win.
- Because of the war, there was an exodus and everyone moved to America
- She facilitated our sorrows by getting rid of all of our work.
- The phone was so broken it was incorrigible.
- His scar was painful but latent to the naked eye.
- He was militant for his cause.
- The old man sat morosely in his chair.
- The wall was an opaque color from the outside.
- A managerial job is paramount to an average job.
- The intoxicated man prattled about his mistakes in life.
- The lawyer was able to rebut the statement to the jury.
- Adidas picked their official reprimand for their new line of clothes.
- Africans were forced into servitude and became slaves in the 1700's.
- The student wrote a slapdash paper.
- The old pipes in the building caused a stagnant flow throughout the apartments.
- Unfortunately the man succumbed to his old ways.
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