Sunday, September 29, 2013

Vocab #1

Expository-  intended to explain or describe something

Composition- the nature of something's ingredients for constituents

Assuage- make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense

Decadence- moral or cultural decline

Hackneyed- Lacking significance through have being overused

Coalition-  to form an alliance

Transcend-to go above and beyond

Meritorious- something that deserves merit

Lurid- shocking

Petulant- bad tempered; childish; snotty

I'm very excited to be a part of this expository English class.

The composition of this text book is confusing to me.

I was so appreciative when my best friend was there to assuage me after I embarrassed myself

Thinking of a decadence in society is scary.

The songs played on the radio are extremely hackneyed.

It's good to form a coalition with people you trust.

 My thoughts completely transcend every other students' in the class.

Her behavior at her new job proved to be very meritorious.

The amount of people attending the sporting event was lurid.

 My Father scolded my younger brother for acting in a petulant manner.

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